Can You Go Back?
In 2006 I had the privilege of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. It was one of the most fun experiences I have ever had.
Dry Bones Dance
Mark Heard’s song, “Dry Bones Dance,” has long been one of my favorites. It, of course, alludes to Ezekiel 37, where Ezekiel sees a valley full of dry bones, which God miraculously restores to life.
What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
In January, I passed a major milestone. Twenty-five years ago, I first started working at Plant With Purpose. At the time, I never imagined that I would stay in one job for so long.
Hope that Won’t Die
I had just spent two days on an airplane when Samson and Birori met us in Kamembe, Rwanda, so I wasn’t in a very chatty mood. However, about 30 minutes into the 3-hour drive, I began to realize that the story Samson was telling was extraordinary.
It seems like only yesterday that Eldon Garcia and I drove from Santo Domingo to Port au Prince, then up into the mountains of Haiti for the first time. We got hopelessly lost…
In the Dominican Republic I bade farewell to two of our longest serving employees, and welcomed another to a position of leadership.