Party in Sanya Juu
While driving from Moshi to Sanya Juu, Pastor Mosha, our Tanzanian board chairman briefed me on the event. “We expect 7000 people to be there.”
Savings Group Names in Haiti
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Relief vs. Development
Although many people confuse the two, Hurricane Matthew has reminded us that there are huge differences between relief and development. We ordinarily do not engage in relief work…
Haiti Update, Wednesday Oct. 12
On Monday, four teams of ten people each began work on the road from St. Etienne to Cherident.
Haiti Update, Tuesday Oct. 11
I have time for just a quick update today. We still have no reports of fatalities in the communities where Plant With Purpose has been working, which is a blessing. However…
Hurricane Matthew Makes Landfall
Hurricane Matthew made landfall at 7 AM this morning, as a Category 4 just west of Les Cayes.
Drought and Deforestation
Lost in all the news of our own first-world problems is the ongoing drought that has stricken Haiti for the last three years.
Our Secret Weapon
Today is a special day at Plant With Purpose. Today is the day we have all set aside with our partners around the world to spend time in prayer for one another.
Empowered for Creative Investment
This week I was honored to guest blog at Miracles in the Mundane.