We’ve Moved

We have a new address: 4747 Morena Blvd., Suite 100.

After 16 years, Plant With Purpose has moved to a new office space.  

When Plant With Purpose first took up residence in our old space, there were three of us, and we fit in a single office suite in the back of a warehouse, in the far corner of an industrial park.  I chose it because at the time it was literally the cheapest place in San Diego. Over the years we added another twelve staff, and often six interns, while gradually connecting several suites into an arrangement that worked.

However, as we have grown and had more visitors, the space began to become a distraction. It was not uncommon for visitors to show up as much as 20 minutes late, because it was so hard to find. Meetings would begin only to be interrupted by one of the two gyms that shared a wall with us.Over the years, other neighbors have included a blacksmith, a hazardous chemical lab, a marijuana growing operation and various light but noisy industrial operations. When our lease came up for renewal, we knew it was time to make a change.

We are blessed to have found a new space, very close to our old office, but far easier to find, and offering a much more professional work environment and appearance. Best of all the cost is not significantly more, which means we are able to keep our overhead low, and maximize the money that goes to serve poor families around the world. 

Please make a note of our new address, and please come see us when you can.


It’s Getting Better All the Time


Sad News from Haiti- In Memory of Bonny Joseph